Èíîñòðàííûé ÿçûê: Òåñòû ïî àíãëèéñêîìó ÿçûêó, Òîïèê

W. Shakespeare

  1. W. Shakespeare’s father, John Shakespeare was …

a)  a teacher                   b) a glove-maker      c) a doctor.

  1. They lived in …

a)  Hanley Street          b) Oxford Street       c) Wood Street

  1. W. Shakespeare was f born on …

a)  June 1, 1560                        b) Mau 5, 1464         c) April 23, 1564

  1. William went to …

a)  a grammar school   b) a private school   c) a technical school

  1. He married Anna Hathaway when he was …

a)  20                               b) 21                          c) 18

  1. He had … children

a)  3                                 b) 2                             c) 1

  1. In 1587 he went to work in …

a)  London                     b) New York             c) Stratford

  1. First, he began to work in a …

a)  theatre                       b) play house           c) school

  1. He did his job …

a)  badly                          b) without interest   c) very well

  1. Shakespeare became famous after …

a)  1595                          b) 1594                      c) 1590

  1. In 1599, he became one of the partners in management of the theatre …

a)  “Covent Garden”     b) “La Scala”             c) “The Globe”

  1. He was the author of over …

a)  40 plays                    b) 30 plays                c) 50 plays

  1. He died in …

a)  1616                          b) 1620                      c) 1630

  1. In Shakespeare’s times, young women’s parts were played by …

a)  old women                b) girls                       c) boys

  1. Actors first began performing to the public in …

a)  theatres                     b) inn yards              c) hotels

  1. After the death of Shakespeare the English Renaissance Theatre …

a)  declined                    b) didn’t decline       c) began to prosper            





  1. The capital of the USA is …

a)  New York                  b) Washington         c) Chicago    d) Los Angeles

  1. The capital of the USA is situated in …

a)  Florida                       b) Texas                    c) California  d) The District of Columbia

  1. The US Congress has its seat in …

a)  The white House     b) The Capitol          c) New York  d) Boston

  1. The white House is …

a)  The Residence of  President                   b) The seat of the US Congress

c)   The famous national picture gallery       d) The seat of the Prime Minister

  1. The biggest industrial city in the USA is …

a)  Washington            b) New York             c) Chicago    d) Philadelphia

  1. The President is elected for … years

a)  5                                 b) 3                             c) 6                 d) 4

  1. In … a group of people left England for the “New World” on board the ship …

a)  1620; “Mayflower”                                       b) 1650; “St. Victoria”

c)   1520; “St. Mary”                                           d) 1615; “Mayflower           

  1. They set up a colony and called  it …

a)  Colorado                   b) New England                  c) New World           d) Texas

  1. … is America’s harvest festival

a)  St. Valentine’s Day b) Thanksgiving Day          c) The Easter            d) Christmas

  1. The first American flag had … stripes and … stars.

a)  1;1                              b) 50;50                                 c) 20;15                     d) 13;13

  1. Alaska is also called …

a)  The Green Mountain State                                   b) The Great Land

c)   The white State                                           d) The Sunshine State

  1. The Statue of Liberty was presented to America by the people of …

a)  Italy                            b) England                           c) France                  d) Canada

  1. The first president of the USA was …

a)  G. Washington        b) A. Lincoln                        c) G. Kennedy          d) Rusvelt

  1. The highest building in  Washington is …

a)  The white House                                        b) The Capitol                                             c) The Lincoln Memorial                         d) The Washington Monument   




  1. Australia is seem to people …

a)  an unusual world    b) an upside-down world   c) a strange world

  1. Australia was discovered by …

a)  Ch. Columbus                                            c) unknown explorer

b)  Captain Cook                                              d) Marko Polo

  1. Of first settlements … was the most important

a)  Sydney                                                         c) Brisbane

b)  Canberra                                                      d) Adelaide

  1. The early settlers were very … to the aborigines

a)  kind                            b) cruel                                  c) indifferent (ðàâíîäóøíûé)

  1. The Constitution of Australia was introduce in …

a)  1900                                                              c) 1901

b)  1905                                                              d) 1898

  1. Australia’s greatest river is …

a)  The Mississippi                                           c) The Yukon

b)  The Thames                                                d) The Murray

  1. The main occupation in Australia is …

a)  agriculture                                                   c) food industry

b)  machine building                                       d) ship-building

  1. Today there are about 15 million in Australia, most of then are of … origin.

a)  Roman                                                         c) British

b)  Franch                                                          d) Scandinavian

  1. The Capital of Australia is …

a)  Sydney                                                         c) Canberra

b)  Melbourne                                                   d) Adelaide

  1. The strangest of native Australian animals is …

      a) the kangaroo                                           c) the dingo 

      b) the platypus                                             d) the emu

  1. … is a comical – looking animal.

a) the platypus                                             c) the kangaroo

b) the echidna                                              d) the koala

  1. The only killer among the native animals is …

a) the echidna                                              c) the kangaroo

b) the dingo                                                 d) the koala

13. … and … are represented on the Australian coat-of-arms (ãåðá).

a) the emu and the dingo                               c) the emu and the kangaroo                     

b) the kangaroo and the koala                       d) the coala and the dingo

      14. Pupils who can’t go to district schools have to work …

a) through (÷åðåç) Internet                             c) in colleges

b) through correspondence courses                        d) with home teaches

  1. The aborigines say that there are two worlds: … and … .

a)  the aboriginal world in Australia and the aboriginal world of Australian islands.

b)  the earth and the moon.

c)   Australia and other countries

d)   the aboriginal world and the sky world.

  1. The Aborigines like … .

a)  the old Greek and Scandinavian myths.

b)  the old Roman and Greek myths

c)   the kelts and Roman myths

d)  the old Australian myths

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